Primrose PRNF Field PSC SCC CUI (PN – AC1) 16” and 20” Pipelines
PROJECT DETAILS: Insulation Supply and Install Mineral Wool+ CUI Products
LOCATION: CLAWR Primrose North Field to AC1 Interconnects
JOB#: 2020-028
START: August 17, 2020
COMPLETION: November 16, 2020
SIZE OF LINE / LENGTH: 16″ BFW Pipeline – 4700 LM 20″ Emulsion Pipeline -2400 LM
MATERIALS: PTFE Teflon Spacer, Mineral Wool Insulation, Outer PVC Dimple Cladding, Aluminum Cladding, Drain plugs, Shoe box & Clamp covers, Caulking (Elastomeric), Termination Gaskets, IVS Drains & Vents
PROJECT OWNER: Canadian Natural Resources Limited